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" is the only...satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence...any society which excludes...the development of love, must in the long run perish of its own contradiction with the basic necessities of human nature."

 -- Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving, 1956, p.148

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"...solidarity...and love...may assert themselves secondarily as private acts of philanthropy or kindness, but they are not part of the basic structure of our social relations."

 -- Erich Fromm, The Sane Society, 1955, p.127

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"Where are my legs?"

 -- Asked by small female child injured in Israeli Gaza war bombardment, according to new report, November 2024.

(See Related Article.)





Love, properly understood, is extremely powerful, indeed, the most powerful social force available to humankind. It easily forms the basis for all human activity, from basic social interaction, to a modern global economy. And it is the only force organically capable of reconciling conflict.

Because of this foundational power, love is the only principal or force that can serve as a direct and, indeed, superlative replacement for that which presently serves, poorly, as the basis for the operation of global society:  money and ego. For example, at the present time, money gives Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel the ability to attack Gaza and other nearby regions, while ego gives him the impression that he has the right to do it.

Through the new paradigm described, above, however, could humanity achieve its long-dreamt historical objective: realistic creation of a permanently and comprehensively loving world.

Upon this revolutionary shift, every problem known to humankind would virtually disappear, as the superior seed cannot help but produce a far stronger and taller tree.

Indeed, did Founding Father Thomas Jefferson assert that every society should conduct or permit a revolution about every twenty years, as the structure of existing institutions by then would likely be unable to accommodate the changed social or economic conditions of the society. If the citizenry, however, elected to refrain from revolution on that timetable, and simply retain their current mode of social organization, love, properly understood could still dramatically and easily improve the operation of that society, and thus should still be utilized.


I am pioneering philosopher and writer VINCENT FRANK DE BENEDETTO. The CENTER FOR THE PRINCIPLE & PRACTICE OF LOVE is the virtual headquarters for all my work in philosophy, social science, and music in what I term THE NEW SCIENCE OF AGAPE. "Agape" [ugg op' ay - rhymes with "day"] is "brotherly love" in the language of Greek philosophy, as taught by figures such as Jesus, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Erich Fromm. Also notable in this regard is Leo Buscaglia, Buddha, Gandhi, Charles E. Hansen, Valarie Kaur, and others, including myself, though note that not all of these figures employ the term Agape.

The Center is also the virtual headquarters for THE AGAPE ORDER, the organizational entity I created for persons wishing to learn the principal and practice of Love in concert with like-minded brothers and sisters, within the framework of an organized group that can work together in the world helping others, teaching (and continuing to learn) Love all the while, ala' the "Jedi Order" of Star Wars fame, save the fictional status of the latter, while THE AGAPE ORDER is real.

Agape is the principle upon which the Center is founded and exists, and is the principle behind all my work, in prose, poetry, music, radio, and indeed underpinning the very way that I try to live my life, every moment of every day. It is also where I'm presently writing my magnum opus and masterwork, that which I believe the world desperately needs,  "LOVE, PROPERLY UNDERSTOOD: the Most Powerful Social Force Available to Humankind."

Why do I refer to myself as pioneering philosopher? I believe that my original contribution to the theory of Agape lies in my vision and assertion that Love, properly understood, can form the basis and govern not merely human relationships and interaction, but the structure and function of an entire modern global economy, as well. I don't believe that anyone has proffered this idea, with detail, previously.

I'm also an Agape Master,* neologist, silence activist, anti-AI, pro-brain advocate, inventor, and more. I had mounted an exploratory campaign for the U.S. Presidency, every plank in my platform rooted in Agape, starting with plank #1: bring Americans together. It's likely that I will resume my candidacy in 2028. The presidential site remains live, as, though there is no active candidacy at present, the site is dense with important information on topics and themes both life-and-death, and nearly so, that I strongly suggest you read, after first reading and starting to study this site,, and my essential book draft, LOVE, PROPERLY UNDERSTOOD, linked, just above.

*Agape Master: one deeply versed in, and committed to, the principle and practice of Agape [ug op' ay)], which is "brotherly love" in the language of Greek philosophy.


The tagline to all my work is: "Love, properly understood, is the most powerful social force available to humankind," and indeed, the increasingly complex problems of today, informed by technology, such as hacking and other cyber-crime, and ego, such as terrorism, cannot be resolved any other way. Just how many laws can be written? And those inclined to do harm don't obey the law, anyway. The only realistic way to address the many complex problems of this new epoch is to forestall their occurrence in the first place through a change in the human heart, such that our brothers and sisters will not transgress against other brothers and sisters in the first place.

In the realm of health, regarding cancer, actress Fran Drescher said, "Prevention is the cure," and this insightful and clever notion is precisely what I'm advocating as the only realistic solution to the primary problematic of humankind--the pain that we continually cause each other.

My proposed solution could happen through the reconstitution of global society from profit and ego to brotherly love, as Love, properly understood, is a force and principal so powerful that it easily forms the basis for 1.) interpersonal relations and interaction, and 2.) an entire modern global economy.

Thus must and does the CENTER FOR THE PRINCIPLE & PRACTICE OF LOVE seek to replace our current global system of what I term "ego-capitalism," which is morally and economically illogical, pernicious, insidious, superfluous, rickety, and by any measure obsolete, with an orders-of-magnitude superior Classless, Moneyless, Needs-based, Love-oriented or assisted (C.M.N.L., pron. kuh myoon' ul) socio-economic system:  the historic and long dreamt-of Brotherhood of Man (akin to the Beloved Community of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.). Relevant thought includes that of figures such as Erich Fromm and Dr. King, while that of figures such as Lenin, Mao, Castro, and Guevara is explicitly and categorically rejected.

My vehicles for revolution include those listed and linked below:  prose (books, articles), poetry (my book-length poem entitled simply "Love"), original recorded music (MESSAGE OF HOPE), a radio program BROTHERHOOD-OF-MAN-RADIO, man-in-the street conversation and interaction, and correspondence. Indeed has my long-awaited book, a true Agape bible, finally been released free online in its first draft iteration, a comprehensive work on the principle and practice of Love, suitable both for study and daily practice.

Love--it's the only way.


This site, its official Internet home, went live, appropriately, September 11, 2020, the 19th anniversary of the 9-11 terror attacks. Love, and likely Love, alone, properly understood and thus properly exercised, could have prevented that attack. A major site revision, from physical to virtual, went live on January 14, 2025.


Why, indeed.

Upon learning of, or personally experiencing one or more acts of human transgression, from corporate crime that injures or kills, to political terrorism, to domestic acts of violence whether political or that from a school shooting, to even smaller, yet still injurious and painful acts like discourtesy, insensitivity, or bullying of children or even adults from co-workers, neighbors, or even family members, many are perplexed or even confounded, and ask "Why?"

"Why would people behave this way? Why would they hurt others so badly? How can they do that?" "Why would people behave this way, causing injury, whether physical, psychological, or both, to one or more other people?"

These, of course, while comprehensible (i.e. understandable) questions, are the wrong ones.

In fact, the correct question is:  "Why wouldn't they act this way?"

What countervailing force exists in society to prevent such behavior? To meaningfully discourage people from behaving this way? There's no real love ethic in this world. Study, and broad implementation, of the Love ethic, that is, a standard of behavior based on Love, would do the trick--but this does not presently exist in the world.

How many of us were required, at any stage of our education, from kindergarten, to graduate, medical or law school, or beyond, to take even a single course in Love?

The answer:  no one.

Were you?

People act without Love because 1.) Many suffer low native intellect (i.e. "nature"), and 1.) They don't learn Love, or learn it properly, with social reinforcement (i.e. a particular form of "nurture"). There's no consistent, comprehensive, formal social mechanism preventing or strongly discouraging them from injuring others. Religious or spiritual traditions usually advocate Love, but, like the notion of "random acts of kindness," these are usually hit-or-miss affairs that have no meaningful impact on the general human pattern of "everybody-injure-everybody," that is, the reality that we all hurt each other in myriad ways, all the time.

"Who," you might then ask, "is fighting to create a 'consistent, comprehensive, formal social mechanism' to build a fully loving world?"

I am. The aforementioned objective is precisely that of my work, writing and teaching through the CENTER FOR THE PRINCIPLE & PRACTICE OF LOVE. There is a tiny handful of others working in this area, as well. At another of my key sites, THE AGAPE ORDER, I have a page called "Mentors" that displays photographs of seven or eight persons who have also fought, or are fighting, meaningfully for Love.


My concept nonLove (© 2020 VFD) refers to every action or attitude not rooted in Love. Just as in the physical world it is observed that nature abhors a vacuum, so, too, does our social world, our human behavioral environment, so that if Love is not present, nonLove will always rush in or otherwise enter. For example, if high school children are not taught, and living, Love and resolving inner or outer conflict this way, through Love, nonLove, that conceptual class of injurious actions or attitudes will readily rush in to fill the vacuum. As Love is not taught in the world generally, and certainly not in the United States, there is a continual ubiquitous morality vacuum into which nonLove can and does continually enter, and as any unimpeded force or motion, is now accelerating.

Accordingly, school shootings and other malevolent and transgressive behaviors will never cease until Love is actively taught so that it is present, everywhere, thus preventing the introduction of nonLove into our mental spaces both individually and socially, as those spaces are already full.

See my primary work, LOVE: PROPERLY UNDERSTOOD, my Magnum Opus of pragmatic philosophy for the most comprehensive treatment available of the nature of Love, its actual potential, and the proper methodology for its use and introduction into the world, at every social and economic level, from individual interaction on the street or in the supermarket, to the basis for the formation and operation of a modern global economy.


Try to imagine Humankind at its absolute best.

Actualization (pron. ACK shewel iz AY shn) is the process by which an organism (i.e. a living thing such as a human being) or group of organisms (such as a group of human beings) achieves the fullest level of development for which it, or they, is capable, in one, some, or every regard. That is, it, or they, fully realize their every latency and potentiality in one, some, or every regard.

In sum, to "Actualize" simply means to be the absolute best that you are capable of being.

The objective of the CENTER FOR THE PRINCIPLE & PRACTICE OF LOVE is to facilitate actualization of our human species through pedagogy on, advocacy for, research on, and practice of, Love, that is, brotherly love, properly understood; Agape (pron. uh GOH pay) in the language of Greek philosophy. These latter two means are laboratory research and field practice, to facilitate understanding as to how best to constitutionalize Love, that is, facilitate its official, formal inclusion as a foundational principle in a new paradigm of global social organization. At such time that humanity finally comes together as a human family, its official Constitution or other principal founding document must have Love as the first word of the text.

Actualization is a penultimate final elevation that cannot happen under any system of class rule, including our present global form, capitalism, and its psycho-emotional symbiont, ego (together, ego-capitalism). Thus must the elimination of capitalism, itself, occur prior to, or concomitant with, the establishment of the new community.

Accordingly, the elimination of capitalism is a key objective of the CENTER, and must be for society, itself, as well, if it is to actualize. This is no reflexive or doctrinaire claim against capitalism:  to actualize our species, at most, and prevent its destruction, at least, we must build a Love-centered world. If capitalism were innately receptive to this necessary endeavor there would be no call for its dissolution--but clearly, it's not. As a philosopher, a philosopher of Love, specifically, I must be unsentimental in my analysis of, and subsequent call to eliminate, that which emasculates humankind and inhibits its actualization, and equally direct in my call for that which must replace it.

Specifically, I seek to establish the Brotherhood of Man, roughly analogous to the Beloved Community of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a society underpinned categorically by the moral imperative, that is, Love, such that people simply could not, and thus would not, injure other people, because their consciences simply wouldn't permit it. The moral imperative of such a society being simply that ubiquitous and strong.

Please join this effort!


"But I'm already a Christian," I can hear some of you saying, "I don't need this Love project."

You do.

This writer was born and baptized Christian. Christianity teaches Love, or more properly preaches it, for it advocates Love but doesn't present anything even remotely resembling a pedagogy or primer, in other words, a complete guidebook advising Christians how to act or respond, that is, the preferred behavior in regard to the many transgressions that we Christians and other human beings unfortunately suffer at the hands of our brothers and sisters in this world.

My work presents that guidebook, and is completely compatible with Christianity.

If the prescription of the Center is a shift in the direction and capacities of the human heart, how does this answer differ from that of virtually any theology? Why not merely join a religion, or re-commit to existing religious doctrines and affiliations?

In large measure because of what the work of the Center recognizes as the critical implication of its prescription: a change in economic relationships and, indeed, the global economy, itself. You'll be hard pressed to find any organized, popular theology, from Christianity to Buddhism that asserts, as does my work and thus the Center, that a fully loving society cannot exist under a capitalist system, or indeed any system of class rule, and thus the implication of the assertion that humanity must officially and fully commit to Love is that capitalism, itself, must be eliminated.

The change called for by my work is sufficiently sweeping and radical that it requires that we rebuild our global society from the ground up.


Does the Center root its morality or socio-existential prescription in any notion of God? The fact is, Love and the "Love Ethic" have been claimed by a number of religious and other belief systems, Christianity notable among them for its strong and explicit emphasis on Loving one's neighbor, as the second great commandment of Christ.

While the philosophy of the Center does not, itself, root in a notion of God, neither does it denigrate such notions, and, in fact, if you are a religious believer, affiliation with the work of the Center, with its explicit emphasis on Love, properly understood, can strengthen the adherence to Love that your theology probably already requires, and even provide you a deeper understanding of what Love is, and what is realistically required to practice it personally, as well as instruct in its utilization as a leverage to rebuild our entire global society--including our global economy. Part of the power of Love is its scalability, in this manner.

Last, my paradigm will do for you what no religion really appears to do:  describe in detail how to love others in a culture where such behavior and perspective is grossly misunderstood and devalued, and in the main does not underpin social or economic behavior, relationships, or thinking.


  • The comprehensive blueprint for the new human community and the road thereto is found here.

  • The sister project to the above is a real-life "Jedi Order" that one can join now, to immerse oneself in a group of like-minded adherents learning, and actually practicing, Love.

    In joining the AGAPE ORDER one might eventually rise to the rank of AGAPE MASTER.

    If you are an exceptionally loving individual, all the better interested in Agape theory, as well, you may already be the equivalent of an Agape Master. Join, or simply speak to me, to see!

  • My principal volume, under development, of the theory and practice of Love, that is, brotherly love, properly understood, Agape (pron. uh GOH pay) in the language of Greek philosophy, the key to both the survival, and actualization, of our species, including the solution to every human problem, and elimination of all human pain.



Established wisdom asserts that in assessing any message, "consider the messenger." As regards this Internet resource, CPPL, I'm that messenger, Vincent Frank De Benedetto. Here are four key descriptive characteristics and achievements:

  1. As stated, above, I possess the key to both the survival, and actualization, of our human species, including the solution to every human problem and elimination of all human pain:  Love, as described at this web site, and more fully in my pending volume LOVE.

  2. I'm prescient regarding a solution to the present global pandemic. In fact, I have the solution, available free.

    This solution, presented as, and contained in, a print document, web site, or article for publication, is obviously an existentially critical document that must be written and released to the public, especially every government on Earth, as soon as possible. Your financial or task-based support, below, are invaluable in permitting me the time and energy to complete this task.

    In this regard we have zero time to waste, since, remember, as bad as a situation can always get worse. We must move immediately and I have the answer.

  3. My original writing on terror (that is, terrorism) was cited-and-quoted by the New York Times.

  4. I'm the first to notify the FBI and other relevant United States law enforcement agencies, or publicly call for their notification, through my anti-marijuana-legalization book, that the legalization and even decriminalization of dope (i.e marijuana) poses a distinct national security threat.

My personal page is here.


Attempting to save the world by teaching Love, properly understood, is not my only contribution to this planet and our human family. I also make subsidiary or incidental contributions as warranted. For example, I have the solution to the global Coronavirus pandemic of 2020.

Additionally, in 2003 I researched, authored, and widely disseminated a formal 6-page proposal to attempt to thwart the imminent war with Iraq, scheduled to begin in a matter of hours. I received a rather ardent and genuine "Thank You" from Elbert Garcia, Congressional Page at that time in the Washington office of Congressman Charles B. Rangel.

I had also attempted to mount a serious run for the Presidency of the United States in 2024. I anticipate a second effort in 2028.

A comprehensive descriptive summary of my social, political, familial, intellectual, and other roles can be found at my personal website.


I engaged in a substantive online conversation in a philosophy chat room on or about Monday, May 17, 2021, with Sophie Grant, 28, resident of Florida, U.S.A., and humanitarian. During our colloquy, she stated, of her value system:

"I live by the principles of empathy, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness."

During the conversation, she came to recognize the seminal character of the work that I'm doing within the framework of the CENTER FOR LOVE, intended to change, and indeed save, the world. Said work underpinned, she indicated, by a discernible sincerity.

She further stated, of myself, the founder of the Center:

"It feels like there actually is a truly good person in the world."



The principle objective of the CPL ("The Center") is explicated, above. The Center is essentially a virtual entity, headquartered in the New York City-area, U.S.A.

All content at this site, and all my sites, is © 2020 Vincent Frank De Benedetto. Please respect my work.

The CPL is a division of the DE BENEDETTO MUSIC & WRITING STUDIO (site down), itself a division of THE FSD GROUP (site down).

In my writing I also devote myself selectively to other very large-dimension social issues and problems. For example, I had conceived and proffered the only viable plan to permanently end the Coronavirus pandemic.


Ideal candidates would 1.) agree with the mission of the Center:  creation of a love-centered world, and 2.) be fans of 1980s-style rock, as central to my roster of projects is a musical project, with a commercial flavor but underscoring the same thematic, Love, as all my work.

Team members required first are Web Designer and Personal Assistant/Operations Manager. The nature of the work, primarily telephone calls and Internet research, can be undertaken anywhere in the world, so place of residence of Team Members is of lesser importance. Nor must Team Members work a minimum number of hours each week:  five, three, or even two hours a week would be significant and appreciated.

As 1.) my projects are highly commercial, 2.) they are numerous and varied, and 3.) I am considered a unique and talented thinker and writer, as well as musician, inventor, and more, I reasonably anticipate large-scale earnings. And when I earn big--so will loyal Team Members.


Contact me, Vincent Frank De Benedetto, and the CPPL by email at

I presently maintain about fifteen web sites, each of which I conceived, researched, wrote, and built, and all of which are explicit or implicit in their advocacy for the creation of a Love-Centered World (LCW), the BROTHERHOOD OF MAN.

In fact, a participant in a Philosophy chat room recently complimented me on, as I recall his word, my "immense" body of work. In fact, my efforts to save the world are contained in this multimedia body, all in support of my thesis, explicitly or implicitly, directly or indirectly. My longstanding musical release is one celestial body resident in this universe.


My work intends to eliminate the force that I term "nonLove" (© 2020 Vincent Frank De Benedetto) that has, and without question will continue to, undermine and thwart every attempt to really improve this world.

I've committed the remaining years of my life to saving the world by teaching what I know to be the only thing that can save it--Love, properly understood. I elect for the task of teaching Love not because I want it, but because of a sense of duty to our human family. I have conceived the most powerful knowledge in the world, the most powerful knowledge that one could obtain, or could ever be obtained, so I must use and transmit it. Though I do this as a duty, there is little else I could be doing with my years that is more important.

I'm doing nothing less than attempting to build a miracle. The miracle that humanity must have.

There are very, very few people working, or working seriously, in this area of social science. As Love, properly understood, is "the only answer to the problem of human existence," as elegantly, pointedly, and sagely stated by social philosopher Erich Fromm, and implicit in the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and others, my unique work is powerful and critical.

What kind of world will our children and grandchildren have?

That's up to us.

Please click the Donate button below.

Thank You!

Albert Redux

Brothers and Sisters, I often wonder, and consider its answer a key barometer for the future of our species, whether American, or even global culture could ever produce another Einstein. Could a person with an extremely high intellect, and equivalent impulse toward achievement, flourish today? Given the inordinate level of distraction today, including leafblowers and other noise, pornography, smartphones, financial difficulty and economic hardship and want, endless human conflict on every scale, and underpinning it all, the continuing, near-immutable fact of our simple human stupidity (read, for example:  climate change, and now coronavirus)?

Could the human species ever produce another Einstein, seminal, revolutionary thinker in physical science, or perhaps even his equivalent in the social sciences?

It doesn't look good.

Einstein Query Update

October 04, 2020

I realized that there is a question concerning intellectual excellence related to, and even more fundamental than, that, above.

This question and related explication will appear in my book-under-development THE DECLINE OF MIND, of which a second body of study and writing titled GRASS NOT GREENER, also in development, will find inclusion as a chapter or section, or conclude as a discrete (i.e. standalone) work, likely under that title.

This latter body argues categorically against the legalization and even decriminalization of the drug marijuana, as said liberalizations would comprise a catastrophic assist in the decline of the human mind, driving the descent of humankind one or more full orders of magnitude toward the complete inactualization of the human mind.


My AGAPE TRILOGY is, itself, part of a multi-part body of work including prose (i.e. books, articles), poetry, a musical project, a radio program, and real-time in-person outreach such as speeches, interviews, and TED talks. I'm creating and promulgating this body of work in service of establishing the BROTHERHOOD OF MAN, an Actualized society, that is, a quasi-utopia characterized by Moral and Functional near-perfection:

  1. MORAL:  Love, properly understood, informing all social intercourse and mechanisms of governance.

    Refers to Brotherly, not Romantic, Love.

  2. FUNCTIONAL:  Competence and devotion to task by each of us, individually, and our human family, as a group, informing all economic and other social operations and activity, from how well we do our job, to how we treat our spouse.

Actualization is a concept in Psychology that refers to being and doing in a manner congruent, or attempting congruence, with, your full capacity. In other words, actually trying at all times, in all spheres of life, literally trying to do your actual best.

In the sphere of economics and work, for example, Actualization would call for each of us to get our nose out of our Smart Phone--and focus on our job.

AGAPE TRILOGY, SCHEMA (i.e. plan or roadmap)

VOLUME #1 (WHAT WE NEED) Study it, distribute it, but most of all LIVE IT.




All of which is informed by Agape.

People committed in the here and now to the principle and practice of Love.

Represented in cyberspace by this website. Physical headquarters for THE AGAPE ORDER, above, and my work in social science.

MESSAGE OF HOPE (temp. down)
Unique musical project centered on the same thematic as all my work:  transition from ego-capitalism to the Brotherhood of Man. Visit the site to listen to a rough draft of what I believe will be a global smash hit:  VISION OF A WORLD.

"Toward Wisdom & Love in Our Global Society" Essays by Vincent Frank De Benedetto.


Legalization of drugs is a key mistake in that their widespread use, especially marijuana, will erode, then destroy, the trust that any society must have to operate. Drug use also causes a destabilization or other compromise of the human mind inimical to cultivation of the capacity for, and inclination toward, Love, which society must also have to operate, or certainly to actualize, that is, to operate with all latencies and potentialities realized, and even to actualize with regard to non-love-specific spheres of societal function including the technical and economic.

The most powerful health analysis available, as it focuses on 1.) physical, 2.) emotional, and 3.) economic health. Wisdom & Insight regarding health, well-conceived, written, and researched. Small but powerful Links sections.

NOISE KILLS (temp. down)
Research proves it, and you'd better believe it. Noise means physical and psychological stress--and stress kills. Sometimes quickly; oftentimes slowly. Special emphasis on the acoustic weapon euphemized "leaf blower."

The common leafblower, a weapon disguised as a gardening implement, is uniquely pernicious to people and planet because of the particular sound it produces, volume of said sound, and particulates and other detritus injurious to human and animal health expelled by its 2-stroke engine, and kicked-up from the ground by its jet-engine like blasts of air. This particular device is deemed so noxious by so many that it is banned in a few communities, and strictly regulated in many others.

If in use in your community, your mental and physical health are literally in danger. This volume, hard-won, based on the actual past--and present--experiences of its author with neighborhood landscaping firms using leafblowers, presents about 30 steps to redress this problem, four of which will provide you immediate relief.

My job-search website, presenting a sampler of my writing and related work. Seeking full-time employ as a writer, researcher, instructor, speaker, or related position. I possess an official state Department of Education teaching credential, authorizing and permitting me to secure employment as a Social Studies teacher.

My biography and work summary page, with master list of just about all my websites.

- The Most Powerful Social Force Available to Humankind -